The Nine Conditions of the Testimony of Faith.
Author: Jamaal Zarabozo
Publisher: Al-Basheer Magazine
In this brief book A Study on the Hadiths of Virtues which deals with ahadiths of virtues.
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: - Islam Web Website
A concise treatise discussing the ruling concerning music.
Publisher: - Islam : Question & Answer Website
According to the earliest sources, compiled from the works of Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya and Abu Hamid al-Ghazali. Taqwa is an abundant treasure, a precious trait, an honourable substance, a great success. Those who have Taqwa are the friends of Allah. Allah has promised them success at the time of death and and deliverance from Hell on the Day of Judgment.
Author: Group of Scholars
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
The author says in the introduction of the second edition, “The overall purpose of this book is to acquaint the reader with the historical factors behind the formulation of Islamic law (Fiqh), in order that he or she may better understand how and why the various schools of Islamic law (Madh-habs) came about. It is hoped that this understanding will in turn, provide a basis for overcoming the petty differences and divisions which occur when present-day followers of different schools of people without definite schools try to work together. Thus, another aim of this book is to provide a theoretical framework for the reunification of the Madhhabs and an ideological basis for Islamic community work free from the divisive effects of Madh-hab factionalism.” The book consists of six chapters: foundation, establishment, building, flowing, consolidation, and stagnation and decline.
Author: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Issues that the caller to Allah must obtain
Author: Muhammad ibn Saleh al-Othaimeen