"BEFORE NICEA," the enlightening, insightful history of modern day Christianity, previously only available in e-book form is now available for the first time in paperback! The truth about Paul, the Trinity, the Crucifixion and modern day Christianity.
Author: Abdul Haq Al Ashanti - Abdul Rahman Bawz
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
The Book Of Prayer: Salaat (Prayer) is one of the main obligations which Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) has ordained on His servants. It is the first act of worship decreed on the Muslim Nation (Ummah) by Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) and was ordained on the night of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) ascension to the seven heavens. It is the second of the five pillars of Islam after the proclamation of the “Shahada” (the words of witness).
Author: Anas Bin AbdulHameed Al-Qooz
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: http://www.dar-alsalam.com - Darussalam Publications Website
This booklet is an attempt to educate the reader about the moderate understanding of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah concerning the components of Imaan and Kufr and to warn against the misguided views of those who have
Author: Shuwana Abdul-Azeez
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: A website Quran and Sunnah : http://www.qsep.com
This book comprehensively explains Tawheed in the words of Shaikh ibn Saleh al-Uthaimeen (rahimahullah) from the book, 'Sharh Hadeeth Jibra'eel'.
Author: Muhammad ibn Saleh al-Othaimeen
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: A website Quran and Sunnah : http://www.qsep.com
In this message I am trying to answer some of the many questions that exist in the minds of people; what is the meaning of invocation? What are the means of invocation? What are the innovations that have entered it؟
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: A Dawah website Wathakker www.wathakker.net
This is a lecture that Shaikh Al-Albani gave in the city of Doha, the capital of Qatar, during the blessed month of Ramadan of 1392H. Then requesters asked the shaikh to print it due to the important benefits contained within it, and to the Muslim's need for something like it.
Author: Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee
Translators: Abu Maryam Ismaeel Alarcon