A simplified Introduction to Islam in English language in categories of question and answer in different aspect, and it increases the question from non Muslims.
Author: Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Translators: Mahmoud Reda Morad Abu Romaisah
Publisher: Cooperative Office for Propagation, Guidance, and Warning of Expatriates in the city of Albatha - A website Islamic Library www.islamicbook.ws
In this book, Shaikh Saleh al-Fawzan has enumerated several reasons behind the prohibition of celebrating the Mawlid, and explicitly clarified the major doubts raised up by the proponents of Mawlid; and this includes the claims that, Celebration of Mawlid is honouring the Prophet, Mawlid is celebrated by a large number of people in many towns and cities, Commemorating Mawlid renews the memories of the Prophet, Mawlid is a Bidah Husna (good innovation) because it is a means of showing gratitude towards Allah for sending the Prophet. The saying of Umar, ‘What a good Bidah is this?’ Celebration of Mawlid an-Nabawi is out of love for the Prophet and an expression of one's love, which is permissible.
Author: Saleh Bin Fawzaan al-Fawzaan
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: A website Quran and Sunnah : http://www.qsep.com
A Comprehensive Directory of Religion Dictionary, Glossary and Terms listings that contain religious Terms and Terminology.
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: Islamic call and guidance centre in Abha: www.taweni.com
This book addresses an important subject, The only way to achieve true happiness is Islam and call for the faith in Allah and His angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and destiny.
Author: AbdulRahman Bin Abdulkarim Al-Sheha
Publisher: http://www.islamland.com - Islam Land Website
A book contains sunnahs (recommended acts) scattered in a lot of books. It’s divided into two main sections. The first is concerned with good deeds that have specified rewards whose benefits are restricted to whoever performs them only. Examples of such good deeds are: praying sunnahs and performing ‘umrah. The second section is devoted to the deeds with unspecified benefits, i.e. the good deeds whose benefits reach others like the family, the neighbor or even the community in large. These benefits are achieved in this life as well as the Last Day. Giving charity and useful knowledge are examples of this group of good deeds.
Author: Hakam Bin Adel Zummo Al-Nuwairy Al-Aqily
Translators: Ayat Fawwaz Ar-Rayyes
Explaining the Fundamentals of Faith: discusses the fundamentals of faith, by outlining and detailing the objectives of the Islamic 'Aqeedah. Numerous references are made to the Qur'an and authentic Ahadith, for establishing the sincere intention and worship to Allaah, liberating the mind and thought from the irrational and chaotic losses, establishing peace of mind and sound thinking, safeguarding the intentions, learning to establish a strong Ummah (community), achieving happiness in this life and the hereafter, and more.
Author: Muhammad ibn Saleh al-Othaimeen
Reveiwers: Jamaal Zarabozo - Ahmad Bolter - Ahmad Bolter
Translators: Abu Salman Diya ud-Deen Eberle
Publisher: Islamic Propagation Office in Rabwah