Deprecated: rtrim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/function.php on line 6

Warning: Undefined variable $code in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 2206

Warning: Undefined variable $page_description in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/tafseer.php on line 43

Warning: Undefined variable $page_keywords in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/tafseer.php on line 44

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key "more" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 721

Warning: Undefined array key "l" in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/class.php on line 724

Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/tpl.php on line 55

Deprecated: strtoupper(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/tpl.php on line 55

Warning: Undefined variable $code in /home/aalbuthi/public_html/includes/tpl.php on line 74
تفسير السعدي | القرآن الكريم للجميع
Muslim Library

تفسير السعدي

كتب عشوائيه

  • الرسالة التبوكية [ زاد المهاجر إلى ربه ]

    الرسالة التبوكية : وقد كتبها في المحرم سنة 733هـ بتبوك، وأرسلها إلى أصحابه في بلاد الشام، فسّر فيها قوله تعالى: { وتعاونوا على البر والتقوى ولا تعاونوا على الإثم والعدوان واتقوا الله إن الله شديد العقاب } وذكر أن من أعظم التعاون على البر والتقوى التعاون على سفر الهجرة إلى الله ورسوله ... وبيّن أن زاد هذا السفر العلم الموروث عن النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم -، ثم بيّن طريق العلم ومركبه وأن رأس مال الأمر وعموده في ذلك إنما هو التفكر والتدبر في آيات القرآن.

    المدقق/المراجع: محمد عزيز شمس

    الناشر: دار عالم الفوائد للنشر والتوزيع



  • موطأ مالك

    موطأ مالك: في هذه الصفحة نسخة الكترونية من كتاب الموطأ للإمام مالك - رحمه الله -، وهو واحد من دواوين الإسلام العظيمة، وكتبه الجليلة، يشتمل على جملة من الأحاديث المرفوعة، والآثار الموقوفة من كلام الصحابة والتابعين ومن بعدهم، ثم هو أيضا يتضمن جملة من اجتهادات المصنف وفتاواه. وقد سمي الموطأ بهذا الاسم لأن مؤلفه وطَّأَهُ للناس، بمعنى أنه هذَّبَه ومهَّدَه لهم. ونُقِل عن مالك - رحمه الله - أنه قال: عرضت كتابي هذا على سبعين فقيها من فقهاء المدينة، فكلهم واطَأَنِي عليه، فسميته الموطأ.

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  • إفادة المسئول عن ثلاثة الأصول

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  • شرح العقيدة الواسطية [ ابن عثيمين ]

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  • شروط الدعاء وموانع الإجابة في ضوء الكتاب والسنة

    شروط الدعاء وموانع الإجابة في ضوء الكتاب والسنة: قال المصنف - حفظه الله -: «فهذه رسالة مختصرة في شروط الدعاء وموانع إجابته، أخذتها وأفردتها من كتابي «الذكر والدعاء والعلاج بالرقى»، وزِدتُ عليها فوائد مهمة يحتاجها المسلم في دعائه، ورتبتها على النحو الآتي: الفصل الأول: مفهوم الدعاء، وأنواعه. الفصل الثاني: فضل الدعاء. الفصل الثالث: شروط الدعاء، وموانع الإجابة. الفصل الرابع: آداب الدعاء، وأحوال وأوقات الإجابة. الفصل الخامس: عناية الأنبياء بالدعاء، واستجابة الله لهم. الفصل السادس: الدعوات المستجابات. الفصل السابع: أهم ما يسأل العبد ربه».

    الناشر: المكتب التعاوني للدعوة وتوعية الجاليات بالربوة



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