We should know that the only way for our salvation in this life and in the hereafter is to know, for sure, our Lord who created us, believe in Him, and worship Him Alone. We should also know our prophet whom Allah had sent to us and to mankind, believe in Him and follow him. We should know the Religion of Truth which our Lord has commanded us to believe in and practice it.
Author: Abdullah Abdul Ghani Al-Khayyat
Publisher: Cooperative Office for Propagation, Guidance, and Warning of Expatriates in the city of AlQaseem - A website Islamic Library www.islamicbook.ws
A very important series begins on the list today, concerned with the subject of al-Jannah and an-Naar - the Paradise and the Hell-Fire. One of these two will be the end destination; moreover the eternal abode, for each and every one of us. Therefore it is crucial for us to reflect on what Allah has prepared for mankind - for those who are obedient and recognise His favours, and for those who reject His sins and rebel against Him.
Author: Omar Bin Sulaiman Al-Ashqar
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
This is the first English translation of the book Sharh Hadeeth Maa Dhi'baan Jaai'aan… written by the great scholar Ibn Rafab al-Hanbalee (d.795H) in explanation of the prophet. An excellent book , warning us about the dangers of expending our energies in chasing after the transitory things of this world at the expense of the rewards of the Hereafter.
Author: Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali
Allah had sent to every nation a messenger or a prophet to call them to worship Allah alone and abandoning the worship of other things.
Author: Saleh Bin Fawzaan al-Fawzaan
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Translators: Shuwana Abdul-Azeez
Publisher: A website Quran and Sunnah : http://www.qsep.com
In this era, many people are trying to learn everything concerning the material life aiming at making their living conditions better. In this digest, the author has tried to write about the spiritual aspect of life which is, as a matter of fact, more important than any other aspects. Discussion of many topics associated with this, including weakness, disbelief, oppression, being quarrelsome, impatience, ignorance, forgetfulness, irritability, discontent, striving and working hard for worldly desire, transgression and ingratitude, turning away, and more.
Author: Abdullah bin Mohammed Al-Mutaz
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: http://www.dar-alsalam.com - Darussalam Publications Website
This is a small book in which it answers 32 questions through Qur'anic verses. It answers questions about Allah, the true creator, previous nations, meaning of worship, saving Quran from corruption, Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Jesus (peace be upon them), the Hereafter and destination of both believers and disbelievers.
Author: Mohammed Bin Yahya Al-Taum - Muhammad ibn Yahya Al-Toom